Recent developments suggest that Amazon may be ramping up its interest in nuclear energy to fuel its growing needs.
Traces of radioactive Cesium-137, first released during Oppenheimer's 1945 Trinity test, have been detected near Russia’s ...
Scientists measured plutonium levels in recreational areas near the Los Alamos nuclear site and found high concentrations of ...
The Kremlin said on Wednesday that Russian services had not issued any alerts on higher levels of radiation in the atmosphere after Norway said it detected elevated levels of radioactive caesium ...
Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks ...
Survivors of nuclear testing and uranium mines are ramping up pressure on Congress to reauthorize a federal compensation ...
The nuclear pore complex (NPC) mediates transport of all macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The structure of the NPC — a cylindrical ring-like structure lined with ...
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said generation capacity of nuclear power worldwide is expected to rise more ...
Many countries are exploring advanced nuclear reactors as a solution to the climate crisis. However, the proliferation of ...
Joe Biden has ordered US forces to prepare for the possibility of coordinated nuclear confrontations with Russia, China and North Korea, reflecting the increasingly precarious geopolitical ...
The 90 minutes of dueling sound bites that we dignify as presidential debates are not feasts of reason, but they usefully illustrate the axiom that there can be indecent exposure of the mind as well ...
US health officials have confirmed a human case of bird flu in a patient that had no immediately known animal exposure. The patient, in the state of Missouri, was treated in hospital and has since ...