Pig manure was used as a stand ... but once man sets foot on the red planet, things could move very quickly. Now at least we know that when we arrive, worms should feel right at home.
We fertilized the gardens with manure from the horses and compost from leftover ... and these were later used as mulch. Our apples had worm holes but tasted delicious and lasted for months.
To make the simulated soil more hospitable, she added two components: a fungus known as Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and a population of red wigglers ... species of worm known as manure worms ...
We fertilized the gardens with manure from the horses and compost from leftover produce, and garden clippings. Every fall we ...
Options include horse manure, cow manure, or chicken manure ... Other nutrient-rich fertilizer alternatives are worm castings or vermicompost. The first consists of worm waste, while the second is ...
Why should I be concerned that screwworm has been detected in Mexico? Screwworm has expanded uncontrollably in the last ...