Spotted bass remain the top species at Lake Oroville, and the fish are transitioning from the shallows toward deeper water. In the mornings, the spots are feeding in the shallows before moving deep ...
Miles upon miles of renowned river water runs through the interior of Michigan. Anglers from around the world flock to fish ...
Delta sturgeon biting, Steve Mitchell reported. Don Pedro bass and trout hitting, Monte Smith said. McClure bass small but ...
Miles upon miles of renowned river water runs through the interior of Michigan. Anglers from around the world flock to fish ...
Miles upon miles of renowned river water runs through the interior of Michigan. Anglers from around the world flock to fish ...
Bass 3 Trout 3 Kokanee 1 King salmon 2 Crappie 2 Ryan Denner of Central ... while fly fishermen are scoring with nymphs or dry flies on a dropper loop above Fairview. Section 4 from the Powerhouse ...
Don Pedro bass fishing solid, and McClure spots hungry, Ryan Denner said. Bass Lake trout hitting, Mike Beighey reported. Kaweah trout plants producing limits, Copes Tackle said. Rankings key below: 4 ...
People create lists of goals and new objectives that sometimes carry a negative tone. Thoughtful fly fishers do well constructing resolutions that better their angling game. Setting ...
In 1980, when Weixlmann went to school in Pittsburgh, his dad took him to where he used to fish for salmon and steelhead ...
Steelhead were active, taking eggs, egg pattern flies and other imitations as well ... On the Niagara Bar, trout were spread out due to the high amount of angling pressure reports Capt.