With its latest update, WhatsApp wants to make your messages more fun with new camera effects and quick reactions.
Holidaymakers are being warned that a simple oversight in not activating one phone setting could result in hefty charges.
Travellers are being warned a simple mistake in not selecting one phone mode could end up costing them. The warning comes as ...
I have a laundry list of favorite Android icon packs, but these are the packs I'd happy pay for all over again (along with a free option).
They watched peers juggle small kids, frantic careers, ageing parents. Determined to find a solution to a problem facing the ...
By implementing these quick fixes, you can efficiently manage your daily mobile data and make even 1.5GB last the entire day.
Just like with air travel, it’s important to turn off your international roaming when you’re travelling to different countries on a cruise.
With the Samsung Galaxy S25 launch only a few weeks away, this leak gives us a glimpse at the phones' wallpaper.
Update the operating system to ensure your new Android device has the latest features and bug fixes. Update the pre-installed apps through Google Play Store to have the most current versions. Set up ...
To get to the setting, pull down the shortcut menu from the top of the screen and adjust the slider, if it's there. Some ...
Here's how Apple took the iPhone 16 Pro's video capture and playback to another level with 4K 120fps slow-mo recording, ...