The animated film 'The Glassworker,' directed by Usman Riaz, is contending for an Oscar, putting Pakistan's animation talent on the global stage.
Trump's preposterous ideas of merging with Canada, acquiring Greenland, changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico and other ...
New York isn’t just a haven for Christians from around the world; it’s also a sanctuary for their rare and dying dialects.
Happy birthday, New Mexico! Today, the Land of Enchantment is celebrating its 113th anniversary of statehood. With a rich ...
At Austin International School, located in Austin, Tx, students experience a rigorous education enriched by global ...
The luxury sector has been moving in on the capital, which ranks among the five most popular European cities for the super ...
Rules taking effect in California ban cups, clamshells and other food ware made from expanded polystyrene foam unless companies meet a high recycling target.
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Today in History for Jan. 18: ...
The attack took place at the intersection of Bourbon and Canal Streets in New Orleans' French Quarter, a popular destination.