The Transformers franchise has continually built upon the mythology of the "13 Primes" in the past few decades. Now, this is manifesting in the series' latest toy line, which Hasbro is unleashing ...
The next phase of the Transformers franchise is almost here, and it's all about the Primes. Along with showcasing the ancestors of Optimus Prime, the new toy line will also continue the trajectory ...
Optimus Prime has had countless epic fights in the Transformers franchise ... Barricade may not have the most physical power, but his strength comes from his deception. In almost all the ...
Cybertron Con 2024 included some big Transformers reveals over the weekend, with one of the most notable being the first Age of the Primes wave. Highlights include the Titan Class Thirteen Star ...
The Thirteen are coming to Hasbro as they unveiled their new Transformers figures collection with the Age of the Primes. This set is focused on the original Thirteen Primes, who were created by ...
The Transformers franchise is set to release Transformers: Age of the Primes, featuring characters from the "13 Primes" mythology. A leaked promotional video introduces Prima Prime, Solus Prime ...
The Thirteen Primes are the mythical first Transformers that were created by Primus. Each Prime is a being of immense power and importance, representing different aspects of creation, leadership ...