Blood and Honey films, the Twisted Childhood Universe from Jagged Edge Productions is readying another horror project based on a beloved kid’s character. Peter Pan’s Neverland Nightmare is set for a ...
Every Jan. 1, more classic works of art or characters enter the public domain, and exploitation filmmakers with a tiny budget ...
US copyright law expires after 95 years for books, films and other works of ... the original Mickey Mouse and Winnie-the-Pooh, and the final iterations of Sherlock Holmes from Arthur Conan ...
U.S. copyright law expires after 95 years for books, films and other works of art ... the original Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh, and the final iterations of Sherlock Holmes from Arthur Conan Doyle ...
Popeye and Tintin, as well work from several literary classics, are now a part of the public domain. New Year’s Day isn’t ...
However, as with Mickey Mouse last year and Winnie the Pooh in ... there are certain noteworthy books also becoming public, including William Faulkner’s “The Sound and the Fury,” Ernest ...