Duel Monsters GX, premiered in 2004 and serves as a follow-up series to the original show Yu-Gi-Oh!, which is in turn based on the manga of the same name. GX follows student Jaden Yuki at a duel ...
Yu-Gi-Oh! is celebrating the 20th anniversary of one of its most popular series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, with a special remaster coming ...
Here are the best sets from the GX era in Yu-Gi-Oh! This monster can get pretty ... out with the power of Millennium Ankh. This Spell card already looks great, but it looks even more mystical ...
A remastered version of the Yu-Gi-Oh GX anime will start airing in April 2025. This is to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the show. Studio Gallop has released the cast for Judai, Asuka ...
The official Yu-Gi-Oh! Account has announced the release of the first anime to adapt the lore of cards instead of focusing on an anime protagonist and their friends dueling to save the world.
Quarterback Jaden Rashada lasted just one semester at Georgia before he opted to enter the transfer portal once again. Rashada has decided to leave Georgia and enter the portal, according to Seth ...
Jaden Ivey shared an inspiring message via social media on Thursday despite suffering a significant leg injury. Ivey was taken off the court on a stretcher after suffering an injury during a ...
Jaden Ivey writhed in pain and eventually had to be taken off the floor on a stretcher in a scary scene that transpired with a little over 10 minutes left in the Pistons’ 105-96 win over the ...