The report explores how digital platforms violate rights by systematically censoring Palestinian voices and pro-Palestinian ...
"In 2024, the same year democracy levels hit their lowest point since The Economist's Democracy Index was created in 2006, ...
Eight people are detained by Nicolás Maduro's government for carrying out their journalistic duties. The wave of repression related to the elections, which is intensifying in Venezuela, has already ...
"Hundreds of people are behind bars in the country on politically motivated charges. A new wave of detentions is currently underway, with dozens of activists and media figures arrested on baseless, ...
The Hong Kong Journalists Association condemns these attempts by a small minority to use illegal means such as threats and harassment to hinder and scare journalists from performing their ...
The wanted official had been in hiding despite an arrest warrant issued against him in 2023. This statement was originally published on on 12 September 2024. A coalition of ...
“Hundreds of people are behind bars in the country on politically motivated charges. A new wave of detentions is currently underway, with dozens of activists and media figures arrested on baseless, ...
Ocho personas están detenidas por el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro por ejercer su labor informativa. La ola de represión relacionada con las elecciones, que se intensifica en Venezuela, ya ha enviado a ...
En cette Journée mondiale de la liberté de la presse, réfléchissons à notre climat de l’information, à la place des médias et à ce que cela signifie pour le reste d’entre nous. Les journalistes ...
آيفكس شبكة عالمية متنوعة تضم أكثر من 100 منظمة غير حكومية تدافع عن حرية التعبير وحق الجميع للوصول إلى المعلومات. في اليوم العالمي لحرية ...