LC2505 Most-Traded Contract Rose by 0.05%] On December 26, the LC2505 most-traded lithium carbonate futures contract rose by 0.05%. According to the data, the LC2505 most-traded contract opened at 77, ...
Frequent Environmental Protection Incidents Limit Supply, Lead Ingot Social Inventory Decline Continues] According to the survey, frequent environmental protection incidents have recently occurred in ...
Review: Rare Earth Prices Remain Stable Amid Intense Back-and-Forth Negotiations Between Upstream and Downstream] Rare earth market prices were relatively stable today. According to SMM data, Pr-Nd ...
Data on Copper Inventories in Major Regions] As of Thursday, December 26, copper inventories in major regions across China monitored by SMM increased by 6,000 mt to 105,400 mt compared to Monday, and ...