Dr. Cromartie is the Director of Doctoral Studies at the United States Sports Academy. He can be contacted at cromarti@ussa.edu ...
It could be said that the world’s best athletes are always in control. It can be defined as mental control, as their recognition of specific situations within the game and how they can appropriately ...
All athletic trainers should be concerned with how stress and anxiety affect their athletes. Many athletes struggle with stress and anxiety on a daily basis. Each athlete reacts to the stress and ...
Submitted by: Scot E. Long, MSS, CSCS, Exercise Physiologist, Director of Corporate Wellness, Greater Jackson Metropolitan YMCA, Adjunct Professor of Kinesiology, Mississippi College Recently I heard ...
Creatine supplementation has gained popularity amongst athletes for the reported results it yields: athletes supplementing with creatine report increases in body mass, increases in strength, and ...
It is imperative to have a sound philosophy with specific goals in mind while developing a comprehensive program that will meet the needs of your athletes. The main goal is to provide a structured ...
Strength training is not a modern invention. Egyptian tombs show pictures of lifting bags filled with sand and stone swinging and throwing exercises. These types of things were also popular in early ...
Many factors go into the development of a systematic, progressive resistance training program. It is important to consider these factors when creating a program and evaluating clients’ progress ...
Coaches play a very important role in sport. In general, coaches teach and lead their players to complete tasks that govern their performance. There is plenty of research concerning coaches’ ...
More than 60 percent of adults do not participate in regular exercises in the United States (Hughes, at. el., 2009). There are only 28 percent of Americans who exercises at least 3 hours per week ...
This discussion concerns the beneficial effects of manual therapies as they are used by athletic trainers. Following Denegar (2000), the therapies included under this rubric are massage, myofascial ...