I am looking for some advice on an alternative route around O-Cebiero and back into Samos to the CF. I will be arriving in Astorga March 8 / 9, 2025. I have until March 22 (Leaving from Santiago). I ...
And to you and all on the forum. May your days be full of dreaming, planning and walking and may you leave a trail of kindness wherever you tread. Tonight at 19.00 CET, pope Frans will open the holy ...
GREENSBURG – Every 25 years, the Universal Church proclaims a Jubilee Year to encourage the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, repent of their sins, forgive the sins of others and I've always wondered ...
Once again, peregrinos y peregrinas, a merry Christmas and a happy Yuletide to y’all.
Originally from Catalonia, the Caganer can now be seen at Christmas time allover Spain in Nativity scenes. In the beginning these figurines were modeled after typical Catalan peasants but nowadays ...
Hi all ... by pure luck I passed through Astorga with friends one year at the end of July, to find myself in the middle of the most wonderful and strange festival ...
Hello, I would like to hear from those who have had to deal with this issue. Has anyone? The toenails on both of my big toes hurt just enough to be annoying (but NOT while I am walking.) I have not ...
Walking the Camino, we often lose the track of the day or the week. This is a reminder for all our Jewish Brethren that our Hanuka Holiday, falls on the 25th of December . You may have a hard time ...
Currently prepping for my Camino - Arles to . . . ? possibly to Compostella. The last time, I had a fitbit, and my phone for maps. I have since ditched the fitbit for an Apple watch, but there's no ...
There seems to be a sense that the number of pilgrims walking in Spain will continue to increase every year, putting more and more pressure on the infrastructure and impacting on all the things that ...
Every year at this time I am drawn through the mists of time to a very meaningful moment in my life. Long ago, and I mean long ago, I was a young single constable in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police ...
I wonder how many other people (besides me) are giving second thoughts to walking the Camino in Spain because of all the new information needed to submit under the new law for entry that became ...