In 2023, the gross yield of greenhouse vegetables was 1.63 million tonnes, almost the same as a decade earlier. After rising steadily until 2020, yields then began to fall. In 2023, yields decreased ...
© Hollandse Hoogte / Olivier Middendorp Fotografie In 2023, the distance to the nearest hospital or outpatient clinic by road for people in the Netherlands was 4.8 ...
These are the most recent figures on this topic. View the previous figures here. © ANP / Rob Engelaar Dutch manufacturers were slightly less negative in September ...
The decline in St. Eustatius' GDP compared to 2017, adjusted for price changes, was mainly due to the performance of a limited number of large businesses. This decline was also seen on Saba, but to a ...
Greenhouse vegetables include aubergines, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, and propagation materials (such as seeds) grown under glass. Back to article ...
This publication looked at the distance to the nearest hospitals or outpatient clinics. Outpatient clinics are clinics that are not located at one of the hospital sites, allowing patients easier ...
Gross yield is the total harvest yield and includes everything that has already been harvested or is expected to be harvested. The gross yield also includes crops that are not suitable for their ...
The profit ratio is calculated as the gross operating surplus divided by the gross value added. This profitability indicator shows the share of the value added created during the production process ...
In 2023 overleden 7 duizend inwoners van Nederland doordat ze per ongeluk vielen, struikelden of uitgleden (accidentele val).
In 2023 stonden melkkoeien op biologische melkveebedrijven gemiddeld 199 dagen in de wei, melkkoeien van niet-biologische ...
Bijna 11 procent van de Nederlandse bevolking van 15 jaar of ouder voelde zich sterk eenzaam in 2023. Dat is gelijk aan een ...
De economie van Bonaire groeide in 2022 met 8,8 procent. Op Saba groeide de economie met 1,5 procent. Op Sint Eustatius kromp ...