Kyrgyzstan and Russia have agreed to exchange security information, the Kyrgyz Defense Ministry's press service said.
The National Food Contract Corporation (NC Prodcorporation) has begun purchasing agricultural products from the 2024 harvest, announcing prices for third-grade wheat under forward purchase agreements.
Petrosun (owned by National Company KazMunayGas JSC and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has been fined 875 million tenge for abuse of dominant position, the press service of the Almaty ...
Leaders of Central Asian states and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz signed a joint declaration after their meeting in Astana, as reported by the president's press service.
Kazakhstan blocked 526 tonnes of Russian wheat from entering the country after a recent import ban, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.
The closing ceremony of the 5th World Nomad Games took place in Astana on Friday. More than 2,500 athletes from almost 90 countries took part in the games, competing for 97 sets of medals in 21 sports ...
News and other data on this web site are provided for information purposes only, and are not intended for republication or redistribution. Republication or redistribution of Interfax content, ...
The issue of building a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan has been discussed not for the first year. Attempts to implement the relevant project have been made several times, but these plans have never ...
Chairman of the Management Board of the Eurasian Development Bank (EDB) Dmitry PANKIN told Interfax-Kazakhstan in an interview that the EDB searches for interesting projects and has funds to finance ...
Бишкек. 20 сентября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Спецслужбами Киргизии пресечен факт незаконного вывоза золотосодержащих слитков на сумму ...
Гонконг. 20 сентября. ИНТЕРФАКС - Власти Шанхая провели эвакуацию 112 тыс. жителей из-за последствий тайфуна "Пуласан", ...