The Alien movie franchise has become iconic for its sci-fi-horror imagery – built around its official “mascot,” the Xenomorph. The black-skinned, eyeless, and serpentine-like creatures have inspired ...
District 9 and Edge of Tomorrow are excellent examples of modern sci-fi alien movies that, unfortunately, never received ...
Commercially unsuccessful movies like The Thing and Tremors have earned great respect over time, and it's now clear they ...
H.R. Giger’s iconic monster remains as terrifying ... was primed to make a big Hollywood splash with his Alien entry. The following horror movies involving crazed cannibals certainly aren ...
On any other day a few boxes, a creaky locker door, or a trash can would be mundane items you hardly consider, but they’re ...
Watch all Alien movies in order with our comprehensive list, from the 1979 original to Romulus, and including the Alien vs. Predator crossovers. Let's get tactical marines, as we run through the ...
The Alien franchise isn’t associated with the holiday season, but it has a duo of Christmas connected movies. When it comes to sci-fi/horror movies, most tend to gravitate to any time of the year – ...