Get an inside look at the work of the Sisters of Life and all they do to serve vulnerable pregnant women and build up a ...
Here are three incredible stories of champs that you should be aware of: There are plenty of heroes that we are all aware of, ...
When Phyllis Adams and Leila Bolden stood in the middle of Washington National Cathedral on Thursday to sing President Jimmy Carter home with a stirring rendition of “Amazing Grace,” it was a song ...
Ayana George Jackson is one actor that has been with the show since it opened and continues to shine on the stage. Making an incredible Broadway debut, she plays the character of Katherine Jackson, ...
“a charism that sees the sanctity of life as supreme and offers the consecrated lives of their members as an oblation to end the greatest evil of our time and to help women embrace their vocation as ...
Genetics, lifestyle, and luck are all thought to contribute to longevity, but we don't know for sure. Centenarians attribute ...
Diana Freedman's grandfather made the necklace for his lovely bride and embellished the pendant as his fortunes grew over the years.
Folding up a fitted bedsheet is one of life's great struggles - but this simple video shows a way to do it in seconds using a ...
Janet Sams lives on the Pigeon River in Newport and lost everything in the flood. God’s Pit Crew, a Virginia-based non-profit, gifted her the brand new home Saturday morning.
Mia Donahue Sjöman and husband Pierre Sjöman turned to surrogacy and had no idea the surprise fate would have in store.
A proud Christian was filled with the Holy Spirit while attending a church in Korea, Japan. The babe sang loudly and jumped ...
As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines proclaimed Phenomenal Woman’s Day on Dec. 12.