Alliance contributions were minimal. In the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Crimea, the US deployed mere companies to the Baltic states; after the 2014 Wales and 2016 Warsaw Summits, NATO finally ...
It was marked by many instances of its warnings going unheeded by the United States and NATO until it provoked a response. In effect, what held true in the past may not hold true in the future ...
But to win a large conflict like Ukraine, NATO lacks sufficient equipment and ammunition. The Ukraine war has been marked by heavy losses of armored vehicles and artillery, as well as massive ...
NATO states need more ammo and defense production to replace losses in a long war. Powers like Russia and China have invested in huge numbers of artillery. The Ukraine war shows that the theory ...
Five and dime stores are now a thing of the past in the U.S. But if the reporting in the Financial Times is accurate, President-elect Trump is signaling to NATO member-states that they must spend ...
NATO states need more ammo and defense production to replace losses in a long war. Powers like Russia and China have invested in huge numbers of artillery. The Ukraine war shows that the theory behind ...