Particles of light can spend "negative time" passing through a cloud of extremely cold atoms – without breaking the laws of ...
Oxford Instruments Andor, a world leader in scientific imaging solutions, has today announced the launch of a ...
Researchers have demonstrated a new optical atomic clock that uses a single laser and doesn't require cryogenic temperatures.
By influencing the nucleus of a titanium atom, they have created new opportunities for storing quantum information.
Deep inside what we perceive as solid matter, the landscape is anything but stationary. The interior of the building blocks of the atom's nucleus -- particles called hadrons that most of us would ...
F or the first time since X-rays were discovered in 1895, researchers have successfully performed X-ray spectroscopy to ...
New faculty member Huanqian Loh brings a new quantum computing approach to the expanding expertise of the Duke Quantum Center ...
Researchers, including those from the University of Tokyo, used precisely calibrated lasers to cool and slow down samples of positronium in a study that was published in Nature.
Advanced materials are key to next-gen sensors, improving sensitivity and durability for critical applications in healthcare ...
Harnessing quantum principles, atomic clocks achieve extraordinary timekeeping accuracy, transforming navigation, ...
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An international research team under the direction of scientists at JILA, a joint institute of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the University of Colorado Boulder ...