When we ourselves are asked to believe certain things on the grounds that they are revealed to us in the Bible ... where Abraham’s life story is first told, we read: “Then the Lord appeared ...
WM.H. HERNDOE, for twenty years the law partner of Mr. LINCOLN, delivered a lecture on the life and characteristics ... When young he read the Bible, and when of age he read Shakespeere.
The life before us ... was remarkably so of Abraham Lincoln. As a tree may be known by its fruits, so may his growing strength, his ripening sagacity and sweetness, be read in the speeches ...
For grades 11-12, lesson can be made more challenging by asking students to conduct further research into the personal life of Abraham Lincoln and/or the inner workings of his administration.
For grades 11-12, lesson can be made more challenging by asking students to conduct further research into the personal life of Abraham Lincoln and/or the inner workings of his administration.