Researchers called for the widespread adoption of services that allow patients to self-refer without a GP consultation.
The NHS is piloting self-referrals for lung cancer checks to reduce diagnosis delays caused by a GP appointment crisis.
Her lungs sounded normal to her doctor, but she was sent to get an X-ray in May just in case ... in relatively good health before this. Lung cancer was nowhere on her radar.
“This study demonstrates that chest wall irradiation after a mastectomy has no influence on 10-year overall survival for patients with intermediate-risk breast cancer,” researcher Ian ...
Radiation therapy doesn’t improve survival in medium-risk breast cancer patients Patients who got chest wall irradiation had the same survival as those who didn’t The difference wasn’t ...
“This study demonstrates that chest wall irradiation after a mastectomy has no influence on 10-year overall survival for patients with intermediate-risk breast cancer,” researcher Ian Kunkler, a ...