Furthermore, because salivary lavage is impeded, an orally ascending secondary duct infection can develop and lead to an intensification of the obstructive symptoms of swelling and pain.
Throughout our lives, we’re exposed to all sorts of bacteria, viruses and other bugs. These infections don’t arrive one by one – they’re often overlapping, and our immune system is ...
Investigators could not find a cause for the 2023 blastomycosis outbreak at Billerud's Escanaba mill, which resulted in at ...
Regardless of whether the presumed etiology is infectious or noninfectious, the treatment of breast inflammation is consistent. The focus is on reversing milk stasis, maintaining milk supply, and ...
Cleaning air ducts in your home is likely not on the forefront of your mind, but ensuring the system is maintained can reduce contaminants in your home and improve air quality. “The frequency of duct ...
An estimated 1 million new trichomoniasis infections occur each year. Caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis, this curable STI often causes symptoms like vaginal itching, a frothy discharge, a ...