The Dead, 1904 is an immersive, theatrical adaptation of James Joyce’s novella “The Dead,” originally published in his Dubliners collection. Acclaimed literary couple Paul Muldoon and Jean Hanff ...
This year's Death in Paradise Christmas special introduced the show's brand new lead detective, Don Gilet's Mervin Wilson, who had travelled to the Caribbean to meet his mother for the first time ...
Setting aside the questions of how bad American health care has become after 15 years of Obamacare, and whatever role Thompson played in it as CEO of a health care insurer, the culture of death is ...
Unexpected events, including seizures, drug overdoses, or carbon monoxide poisoning, may also lead to nocturnal death, sometimes without warning. Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart suddenly stops ...
As Powder reported, Skilift Schratten Flühli in Lucerne has stopped activity because a lack of snowfall has left the skiing slopes unable to open. In a statement, the ski site explained its winter ...
Starting in the late 1980s, Nott followed the kapellmeister model and built his career through a series of positions in Germany, earning particular acclaim for his work as head of the Bamberg Symphony ...
HORROR SITE: The state-run “machinery of death” in Syria tortured and killed more than 100,000 people since 2013, a former international prosecutor told Reuters. “We really haven’t seen anything quite ...
Don's first case as Detective Inspector Mervin Wilson will feature in the Christmas special before he's seen in Death in Paradise season 14. The plot sees Mervin investigate when three men, all ...
Regardless if jewelry is your thing, there is a piece of adornment every person knows: the engagement ring. It spawns obsessive deep dives on social media, is entrenched in culture, found in films ...
LAKE WORTH BEACH — Two suspects were arrested late Wednesday in connection to the Lake Worth Beach shooting that killed two men and injured two others Tuesday, Dec. 10 at the Rock Irish Pub. The ...
The Basel Historical Museum with its three sites is widely regarded as the most important museum of cultural history on the Upper Rhine. It collects, conserves, records and researches objects and ...
In the original video, Grainge and Shane dance to “Messy” by Lola Young ... Critics also say the trend could signal the “death of originality,” as a Mamamia writer put it.