Go to any bookshop, and its shelves will be groaning with works of popular science: titles promising to explain black holes, ...
Darwin was just 22 when he set out on a voyage that would change the way humanity understands itself and the natural world ...
Still wracked by doubt, Darwin finally published his new theory of evolution. It would become one of the most important books ever written. Darwin described writing it as like 'living in Hell'.
Jenyns never takes up the offer to read a draft of Darwin's theory. Around this time, anonymously, the journalist Robert Chambers publishes a book speculating on evolution. It sells well ...
He wrote a book called The Origin of Species ... the most interesting point missed by the simplified tale is this: Darwin's first real clue toward evolution came not in the Galápagos but three ...
A book review of Origin by Asa Gray ... of violating a state law prohibiting the teaching of Darwin's theory in 1925, it was the anti-evolution parties, not the pro-evolution ones, that were ...
In the book, Darwin set out his theory of evolution, based on his years of research and what he had seen when travelling across the globe on the Beagle. Darwin recognised that his theory could ...
Darwin’s view here is now amply documented ... selection that is easily and massively documented in the DNA record of evolution. “Variations neither useful nor injurious ...
It came from a book. What Watson and Crick found ... to adapt the organism to its particular circumstances. Darwin, who assumed that evolution plodded along at a glacially slow rate, observable ...
It is why life takes "such endless forms most beautiful and wonderful," as British biologist Charles Darwin wrote in his famous 1859 book "On the Origin of Species." You can thank evolution for ...
Darwin saw his 500-page book as "one long argument" for the theory ... later editions of On the Origin of Species to stress that evolution can be reconciled with belief in God.