Knight and Day, the action film starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, has now been added to Netflix. The 2010 action-comedy follows June Havens (Diaz) as her life is turned upside down after meeting ...
Deadline’s Read the Screenplay series spotlighting the scripts behind the buzziest awards-season films continues with Day of ...
EXCLUSIVE: Ali Afshar’s ESX Entertainment has set the western Day of Reckoning starring . Pic follows put-upon lawman John ...
Sony has revealed its movie adaptation of beloved PlayStation horror game Until Dawn will feature a new story and cast of characters separate from the original game's.
Bob Dylan is back in the news again. A countercultural hero to people who grew up some five decades ago, yet also, perhaps ...
Post Malone left a $20,000 tip for a single mother working at a Houston bar on Christmas Eve; the bartender said the singer changed her life.
We pay tribute to the best examples of the most disposable movie type of all: January movies, often dropped into obscurity.
The worst horrors go unseen in the brilliant crime classic starring Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Déjà Vu is part of Criterion Channel’s Surveillance Cinema collection, which debuted this month and contains a bunch of similarly enticing thrillers, including The Truman Show, Minority Report, ...
The filmmaker revealed another interesting fact that Shah Rukh was sitting on the ground while he was listening to the film's ...
Things seem to have gone well on both fronts for A Complete Unknown, as Timothée Chalamet’s Bob Dylan movie is performing ...
TV programming is an inexact science dictated by ratings, advertising, the day of the week and hour, and, crucially, the cost ...