The Stockholm subway system is said to be the world's longest art exhibit - 110 kilometers long. Traveling by subway is like traveling through an exciting story that extends from the artistic pioneers ...
To use this SDK, call init(options) as early as possible in the entry modules in the main process as well as all renderer processes or further sub processes you spawn ...
Cornell University researchers have demonstrated that acoustic sound waves can be used to control the motion of an electron as it orbits a lattice defect in a diamond, a technique that can ...
It’s been roughly five years since Artnet columnist Kenny Schachter scored a major art scoop by revealing that the most expensive painting ever sold—Leonardo da Vinci’s portrait of Christ ...
Electron microscopy has existed for nearly a century, but a record-breaking modern iteration finally achieved what physicists have waited decades to see—for the first time, a transmission ...
The new device, a newer version of a transmission electron microscope, captures images of electrons in flight by hitting them with one- quintillionth-of-a-second electron pulses. This is quite a ...
In newest version you can define installation configuration in package.json (or .npmrc, while package.json has a higher priority), usually you can just provide "prebuilt", and "arch".
LEP – the largest electron-positron accelerator ever built – was dismantled in 2000. Its 27-kilometre tunnel now hosts the LHC With its 27-kilometre circumference, the Large Electron-Positron (LEP) ...