Octopuses are usually solitary creatures, but occasionally they group together with fish to share the burden of hunting. But ...
The type of fish also varied, with the octopuses hunting with species such as blacktip groupers and goatfish. And while the ...
Footage shows them bossing fish around and even punching them in the head when they don’t feel their work is good enough. The ...
In the grand scheme of fish evolution, it makes sense that sea robins would evolve legs that can taste, said Neil Shubin, an ...
The cephalopods team up with a variety of fish for hunting, and that results in some complex relationship dynamics that can ...
When the researchers took a closer look, they saw that the legs of these digging fish were covered in sensory bumps called ...
Octopuses have often been thought to prowl the seafloor solo using camouflage. But a new study suggests that some have ...
An octopus patrols a shallow reef, searching for food–and it’s not alone. A flurry of fish move alongside it, in a group ...
Despite their reputation as loners, it turns out octopuses will happily hunt in groups with other species — as long as ...
Day octopuses are common in tropical reefs from Hawaii to East Africa and can grow to almost three feet long, according to ...
An octopus will work with several different species of fish to find and catch prey - and punch those that aren't helping ...
Scientists thought fish might simply be freeloading off the hard work of a hunting octopus. Now, it looks like it’s a true ...