Inspired by the dark reimagining of the Caped Crusader in Tim Burton’s Batman films, Batman: The Animated Series proved that superhero cartoons weren’t just gaudy colors and cheesy villains.
Sometimes their methods aren't great and their characters leave a lot to be desired, but we still love them. Here are the ...
I'm glad you all were there," he told student Steven Amaro and high school athletic trainer Amanda Boyd, both of whom helped save his life. Compton sponsors an after-school skate club for teens at ...
A Westchester art teacher has been awarded a prestigious medal for his heroic actions in saving a woman from a violent attack on a New York City subway. The award, announced by the Carnegie Hero Fund ...
When it comes to cash-grab prequels, one of the usual pleas in their defence is that however bad they may be – and to be clear from the off, this one is largely hopeless – they don’t alter a ...
Based on the teaser, Gunn’s Superman seems more focused on vulnerability than invincibility—a hero who represents both hope and the struggles of those he protects. The teaser trailer offers glimpses ...
Corenswet tas taken ownership of the cape, though, and is seen in the trailer saving a girl from an explosion ... Corenswet's Superman is seen wearing the hero's famous red trunks - but Gunn ...
An Australian businessman has been hailed as a hero for working through the night to free locals trapped under collapsed buildings after Vanuatu was flattened by series of huge earthquakes The ...
The Hoke County Sheriff’s Office is searching for a man accused of attempting to kidnap a girl at a local Walmart parking lot. Detectives say the attempt happened in the parking lot of the ...
They tried the Heimlich maneuver, but it was unsuccessful, Williams, 31, recalled Tuesday — a day after the city recognized him and Pruitt, 30, for saving the child’s life. (Left to right ...