We report a case of 64-year-old male with hypertension, treated with amlodipine, who has been complaining of progressive right-sided hypoacusis for the past 4 months, associated with signs of ...
Diagnosis of scimitar syndrome in neonates ... determine which of these many factors are responsible for the pulmonary hypertension in an individual patient, so each factor should be considered ...
The symptoms of BMs are usually related to intracranial hypertension and frontal lobe ... However, a correct differential diagnosis can be made using improved radiological techniques.
"If I die, it is ok," the 11-year old patient told his mother at one point during his 34-day hospital stay.
While high blood pressure can contribute to renovascular disease, having renal (kidney) problems can also increase blood ...
The prevalence of idiopathic intracranial hypertension in US women varies geographically, some of which is explained by the varying prevalence of obesity.
Both parents of children with hypertension and treating clinicians are aware of the importance of addressing pediatric hypertension but show significant mistrust in clinic blood pressure measurements.
Cannabis dabbing, an increasingly popular way to consume highly concentrated THC, has been linked to pulmonary and neurologic ...
AI-powered ECG predicts hypertension and risks, promising better prevention and management in clinical settings.