The Mysore Palace Board has organised cultural programmes, as part of the Winter Festival (Magi Utsava), that unfolded on Dec. 21, with the flower show. While the music lovers swooned under the flow ...
A sci-fi film branded by fans as one of the greatest 'ever made' about extraterrestrials will be available to watch for free this Christmas. The 1977 Steven Spielberg-directed masterpiece ...
While there aren't many sci-fi Christmas movies out there, the ones that do exist make it all the more baffling that this genre combo isn't more common. From sci-fi send-ups to cult classics to ...
But there’s actually a delightful, art-filled, museum tucked inside – where the artwork ... Frederic used part of the palace – the Winter Studio, to be precise – as a base to hole up and complete his ...
With blockbuster hits like Dune: Part Two and Deadpool & Wolverine getting rave reviews and raking in the big bucks, there has never been a better time for sci-fi movies to be made in Hollywood.
Shi­no­bi Ther­a­peu­tics, an off-the-shelf cell ther­a­py de­vel­op­er, told End­points News it has hired its first chief sci­en­tif­ic and med­ical of­fi­cers as it al­so nabs two ...
It's always disappointing when one of the new Netflix movies flops. Currently, the sci-fi thriller Subservience is in the top 10 on Netflix, with people flocking to watch the new Megan Fox-led movie.
But while there are countless major hit sci-fi movies, there's many if not even more cult sci-fi classics still waiting to be discovered. Sci-fi cinema began almost as soon as movies themselves ...
This also meant learning more about upcoming space games and being shocked by new reveals that made our sci-fi-loving hearts very, very happy. These are the projects you should keep tabs on in ...
The latest trailer for Obsidian’s sci-fi RPG sequel is mostly a gag about how well they are known for making RPG sequels, but it does give us a little bit of a better look at the expanded scope ...