In the Tenkai Ward, where the restless skyline rises above Tokyo Bay, gangsters with supernatural powers known as “Jingi” are engaged in bloody battles of life and death. The protagonist Sho ...
For more audio journalism and storytelling, download New York Times Audio, a new iOS app available for news subscribers. Hosted by Michael Barbaro Featuring Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs Mike Baker and ...
We are talking about visual pleasure, maximum. It’s just so wonderful. I think a movie people might be surprised to find in your top 10 is “Megalopolis.” This is the movie that Francis Ford ...
simple web-based, free and open-source visual novel editor that can be used in a web browser. It is written in JavaScript without using any third party libraries and ...
simple web-based, free and open-source visual novel editor that can be used in a web browser. It is written in JavaScript without using any third party libraries and ...