Smithsonian paleoanthropologists explore how the year brought us closer to understanding ancient human relatives and origins ...
Experts Unearth 'Early Roman Trash Dump' in Egypt, Find Old Pet Cemetery Containing Skeletons of Cats, Dogs and Monkeys ...
A recent study of gelatinous marine creatures revealed a curious ability in which two animals fuse and function as a single organism.
Some animals can remember where they’ve buried hundreds of thousands of seeds. Why can’t we remember where we’ve put our ...
Throughout history, strange medical practices that we might consider gross or inhumane today have been used to cure the ...
Discover Uncus dzaugisi, a 555-million-year-old worm-like fossil, offering the first Precambrian evidence of Ecdysozoa ...
This year, the animal kingdom was filled with triumph, loss and new discoveries. Here is a look at NPR's top animal stories ...
The charges were filed after animal services received a call alerting them to ... Inside the home’s basement, Henry found other dogs caged and three “mummified” dog bodies that were mostly hair and ...
This work was commissioned, produced, and edited by The Atlantic's editorial staff. Support for this work was provided in part by the organizations listed here.
What Is the Body’s Core? Your body’s core is the term used for the group of muscles within your midsection that stabilize your spine and pelvis. Several muscles and groups of muscles make up ...
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Syrian rebel fighters say they have found around 40 bodies showing signs of torture in the mortuary of a military hospital in a suburb of Damascus following the overthrow of President Bashar al-Assad.