THERESA - A cold northwest wind buffeted the field of big bluestem and canary grass at Theresa Marsh Wildlife Area ...
The first venture chasing pheasants in South Dakota came in October. Now, with roughly three weeks left in the season, which ends Jan. 31, combined with the success they had in their first trip, they ...
Adam Bump, the game bird specialist at the DNR, says most of what he’s heard from hunters is that the release program is a winner.
OK, that pheasant just had to be showing off. Most pheasants either take off running or leap into the air as soon as they ...
More than 120,000 orange-clad pheasant hunters descend on that state ... was launched to pay landowners to set-aside land and plant native-grass habitat in which pheasants thrive.
It was usually good for a pheasant or two and sometimes some bonus ... We weren’t 10 minutes into the grass when Ike got birdy. Lost in thought, I was neither close enough nor ready when the ...
Neither Catherine nor her husband, 31-year-old Michael, had ever set foot in South Dakota, but some friends have been ...
From the towering height of nearly 32 million acres nationwide enrolled in the federal set-aside program in the early 2000s, ...
The Chester Police Department issued an urgent warning to residents after a tree fell across a road and onto wires at Shepard ...
When an American hunter moves to Ireland, he puzzles over the locals' love of hunting snipe rather than the abundant ...