Planet X, also called Planet Nine, is a hypothetical planetary body seven times the mass of Earth lurking behind Pluto. If ...
Accessible to anyone the world over, witnessing the majesty of the solar system, including the Milky Way, and its billions of ...
Astronomy on MSN2d
Does Planet Nine exist?
The newcomer replacing Pluto presently goes by “Planet Nine.” If and when it finally shows up, it will get the honor of a ...
J anuary is a good month for interesting planetary alignment. You will have a lot going on in the night sky. For most of the ...
Keep your eyes on the sky this upcoming year for a chance to spot breathtaking meteor showers, a special view of Saturn and a ...
The presence of a North Pole star is a coincidence that has saved lives and perhaps changed history, but is it shared across ...
Each evening, enjoy a sweeping view of four planets at once. Also look for Mars occulted by the Moon and meteors!
From the mysterious Planet Nine to the prospect of a "human ... humans haven't found alien life yet It was hard to look away from the sun and moon this year. But exciting observations continued ...
When one of the poles points more toward the Sun than the other pole, that half of the planet gets more sunlight than the other half, and it’s summer in that hemisphere. When that pole tilts away from ...
The Quadrantids’ radiant lies in the now-defunct constellation Quadrans Muralis, a region of the sky occupied by Boötes. It’s ...
New data confirms Hubble's finding and refutes current theories of planet formation in the universe’s early days. Thanks to ...
When these ejections are aimed at Earth, they can cause geomagnetic storms, or major disturbances of the planet’s magnetic ...