In other words, it is not certain how frequently an abdominal murmur is a false-positive sign for renovascular hypertension. In a quiet room careful auscultation of all abdominal quadrants with a ...
Keros Therapeutics has halted dosing in two of the three treatment arms of a phase 2 trial of its pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) drug after receiving reports of fluid buildups around the heart.
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is associated with endothelial dysfunction. However, the cause of endothelial dysfunction and its impact on PH remain incompletely understood. We aimed to investigate ...
TREATMENT of experimental pulmonary edema with ethyl alcohol as an antifoaming agent has been described by Luisada. 1 However, no clinical experience with this agent has as yet appeared in the ...
Negative-pressure pulmonary edema (NPPE) occurs when a large, negative intrathoracic pressure is generated against an obstructed upper airway, causing fluid to shift into the lung interstitium.