As the season of Advent draws to a close, four local clergy have offered their perspectives of the importance of Advent as it ...
In the late Middle Ages, Christianity was widespread in Europe and Christmas celebrations every December were the norm in ...
The second Advent candle gives us the peace our heart craves. But it can only happen when we understand the Incarnation.
The build-up to Christmas is a time of joy and thankfulness for churches across the valley, many of which have special ...
On Sunday, Dec. 22, the church hosted “Blue Christmas: A Service of the Longest Night,” in the church’s sanctuary. The night ...
Sisters all over the world share how Advent offers hope and needed silence after a year rife with uncertainty that follows ...
In the Gospels, Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem not by choice but because of a Roman-imposed census as the empire clamped ...
The tradition of Advent will help your children grow in their love for Jesus who came and is coming again soon ...
The third week of Advent "Joy is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart." – Anon SYMBOLIZING joy, the third week of ...
Almost 2,800 years ago, the young King Ahaz, ruler of Judah, faced a brutal invasion — an event that seemingly had nothing to ...
Dec. 8 service On December 8th, Pastor Chris Dalessio lit the second candle (PEACE) of the Advent wreath. As we prepare for the coming of Jesus, we remember that Jesus is our hope and peace. The ...
Today’s Gospel teaches us that the principle part of faith is patience. And this Advent, I trust that God’s timing is perfect ...