Raksha Sharma is an Indian astronaut and a former Indian Air Force officer, known as the first and only Indian citizen to ...
Rakesh Sharma, India’s first astronaut, celebrates his 76th birthday today, honoring his historic space mission in 1984 that ...
Rakesh Sharma retired from the Indian Air Force (IAF) after serving as a Wing Commander. He became a member of the Hindustan ...
If Putin were to come to terms with Ukraine, ending his war of conquest, Trump could offer Russia a role in the Artemis ...
On November 3rd, 1957, the Soviet Union made history by launching the first living creature into Earth’s orbit: not a human, ...
On January 8, 1973, the Soviet Union launched the Luna 21 mission to land a rover on the moon. This was the second time that ...
China is in the midst of a “breathtaking” nuclear breakout and has rapidly become the fastest-growing nuclear power on the planet, currently producing 100 new nuclear weapons per year.
The DPRK is already receiving Russian military equipment and training," Secretary of State Antony Blinken says ...
These fiber-optic cables, typically about the girth of a sausage, use light to carry vast amounts of data over long distances ...
Russia is planning to share advanced satellite technology with North Korea, according to a warning from Secretary of State ...