Egyptian officials recently announced the discovery of a tomb belonging to a doctor who treated pharaohs. The 4,100-year-old tomb features intricate carvings and artwork.
Archaeologists working in Luxor, Egypt, recently made several discoveries in the area around Deir al-Bahari (also spelled ...
New sites and artifacts are found all the time, revealing forgotten secrets of the past. Here are some of the best discoveries in the new year: In Egypt, archaeologists discovered that what was ...
A 4,000-year-old tomb in Egypt once held the body of a royal magician. In that early era, he also served as a priest and a ...
ANSONIA – The members of the Ansonia Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) voted Dec. 23 to deny an appeal of a site plan application for a solar farm on Hill Street. The denial is the latest salvo in a ...