Vancomycin, for example, has a pH of 2.5–4.5, which helps to explain its potential for extravasation. Medications with alkalotic pH (> 7.45) can be just as damaging to tissue. One example is ...
First, starting at the cellular level the role of vesicants in vascular injury and its role triggering inflammation will be discussed, followed by a comprehensive review of vesicants and their ...
This homepage example combines setting the perfect tone through distilled messaging, imagery, and color scheme. Everything is simplified so the user can relax, discover, and enjoy the website.
Now that we've unpacked some iconic tagline examples, let's take a second to savour what makes them so deliciously effective at sticking around. Have you ever heard those slogans that never seem to ...
Non-ablative transplants may be used for people who would not tolerate the high-dose chemotherapy required for a traditional stem cell transplant (for example, people over the age of 50). They may ...
Relivator 1.3.0 RC.1 is Here 🚀 Next.js 15.1 React 19 eCommerce Template i18n Stripe Shadcn UI Tailwind Drizzle ORM Zod TypeScript TS Clerk Radix, Responsive Server Components, Postgres Neon, Intl App ...
[database] Type = mysql User = root Password = Host = Name = blog TablePrefix = blog_ [redis] Host = Password = MaxIdle = 30 MaxActive ...