Duel Monsters GX, premiered in 2004 and serves as a follow-up series to the original show Yu-Gi-Oh!, which is in turn based on the manga of the same name. GX follows student Jaden Yuki at a duel ...
Yu-Gi-Oh GX is the direct sequel to the original Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters. It follows Judai Yuki, a new student at the Duel Academia, which Kaiba from the first show founded. The story starts with ...
It’s unknown if the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game The Chronicles will focus on other lore beyond Sky Striker and Fallen of Albaz.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX shared a special announcement for its 20th Anniversary at Jump Festa 2025. Yu-Gi-Oh! GX is getting a remaster next year and will arrive in April 2025. At the time of writing, there's no ...
For more info, read about how we check Yugioh card prices below. And remember: all these wildly expensive collectibles are super-rare variants of regular Yu-Gi-Oh! cards with much more sensible prices ...
Yu-Gi-Oh: Early Days Collection includes online multiplayer and quality-of-life features like rewinding gameplay states. The collection features classic titles never localized in the West ...
If you're looking forward to the Early Days Collection, you can bide the time with a couple of new Yu-Gi-Oh anime Blu-ray releases. The original Yu-Gi-Oh movie received a steelbook edition in ...
GX is the first sequel spinoff of the original Yu-Gi-Oh!10 years after Yu-Gi-Oh! , Jaden Yuki is a new student at Duel Academy, a school where people study to become professional duelists, and while ...
GameRant on MSN1mon
Best Classic Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards
It's been over 20 years since Yu-Gi-Oh! was first released. Here are 10 ways the trading card game has changed since then.