ask for an exemption from health insurance in case you hold a private insurance at home. Similar requests are usually rejected by the health authorities. The health insurance packages for ...
Zur Startseite News Design Refresh-Projekt Zur Übersicht Wohin mit dem Inhalt der Kontextspalte? Zur Startseite Design Refresh-Projekt Wohin mit dem Inhalt der Kontextspalte? Zur Übersicht Die ...
ETH civil engineers and architects have developed a new building component that can be used to dehumidify rooms. The building component is used in walls and ceilings to bind and temporarily store ...
Understanding life on Earth—its origins, prevalence, and interactions with the environment—is essential for addressing the most pressing questions and challenges humanity faces today and will ...
Every aspect of life and the environment impacts human well-being, which encompasses the complex interplay of physical, mental, emotional, and social health. The health sciences are experiencing rapid ...
Digital technologies and data science have recently achieved remarkable breakthroughs, largely driven by advanced algorithms, sophisticated statistical models, and the ability to process vast amounts ...
Lo studio di master prevede l'approfondimento e la specializzazione in un campo di studio. L'ETH di Zurigo offre Master consecutivi e specializzati.
ETH Zurich researchers have optimised detection methods for the trace element arsenic – and found tiny amounts of the toxic element in aerosols, clouds and rainwater at the Pic du Midi in the Pyrenees ...
The new ETH Organisation Ordinance (OO) regulates duties, powers and responsibilities within the university and establishes the minimum requirements for the organisation of ETH Zurich. Since its ...
ETH-Forschende haben Nachweismethoden für das Spurenelement Arsen optimiert – und am Pic du Midi in den Pyrenäen winzige Mengen des giftigen Elements in Feinstaub (Aerosolen), Wolken und Regenwasser ...