Many students come to Bates having played sports throughout high school and want to continue their athletic involvement. For some, this may look like competing on one of the college’s 32 varsity teams ...
This summer, I read Adam White’s debut novel The Midcoast, which includes a portion set at our very own Bates College. One of the central character’s daughters was touring colleges for lacrosse and ...
A core tenet of the Bates ethos is finding “the joy and power that arise from aligning who [you] are with what [you] do”. This comes directly from Bates’ own Center for Purposeful Work, a name any ...
As I started recording our conversation, I glanced around the freshly decorated room. I observed that we were not alone, but rather accompanied by an audience of greenery; plants adorned each corner ...
It was a warm evening at the start of September in 2022 when I found myself sitting in a circle with ten new faces, playing an icebreaker game and feeling more than a little self-conscious. Just the ...
The first year of college is undoubtedly difficult. Moving over 2,000 miles from home myself, it took a very long time to adjust. Often, I found myself wishing someone could answer my biggest ...