(VOVWORLD) - All four Vietnamese students won medals including 2 goldat the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2024 in Egypt, the Ministry of Education and Training said on Friday. Vietnam is ...
(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam’s socio-economic development continued to improve in August and the first 8 months of 2024 with many industries and fields achieving important results, the General Statistics ...
(VOVWORLD) - The 14th European-Vietnamese Documentary Film Festival began on Friday and will run until September 14 in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. The festival, organized by the National Documentary ...
(VOVWORLD) - President Emmanuel Macron on Thursday named the European Union’s former Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier the new Prime Minister of France, ending a two-month political deadlock. New ...
(VOVWORLD) - Urgent actions are being taken in response to Super Typhoon Yagi which is forecast to strike northern and north-central Vietnam from Friday night. The electricity sector is ready to deal ...
(VOVWORLD) - The US, the UK, and the EU on Wednesday signed the European Council's Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence, the first legally binding international treaty on the use of AI. The ...
(VOVWORLD) - The second Hanoi Autumn Festival will be held September 12 to September 15 to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the capital city’s Liberation Day (October 10). The organizing committee ...
Nguyen will fly to space on a New Shepard rocket of Blue Origin, an American aerospace manufacturer, defense contractor, and launch service provider, becoming the first woman of Vietnamese origin to ...
VOV has cooperated with 51 international radio broadcasting stations and 17 international radio and television organizations and NGOs. An active partner As a national radio station, VOV has developed ...
(VOVWORLD) - Vom 21. bis zum 27. September wird KPV-Generalsekretär und Staatspräsident To Lam am Zukunftsgipfel der ...
(VOVWORLD) -先頃、台風ヤギがベトナム北部の複数の地方に上陸し、深刻な人的物的被害を与えたことを受け、世界各国の指導者は引き続き、ベトナムの指導者にお見舞いの電報と書簡をを送っています。 人民軍の兵士が浸水した道路の掃除に参加している(写真 ...
(VOVWORLD) -北部山岳地帯にあるランソン省には、美しい自然風景や地元に住む各少数民族のユニークな伝統文化があるだけでなく、豊かな郷土料理もあります。ランソン省の観光部門はフードツーリズムの開発を新しい発展方向の一つにしています。