The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS) is currently viewed as one of the world’s leading centers for research and education in areas of information and ...
Gene Spafford joins HOU.SEC.CON founders Michael and Sam to chat about his start in cybersecurity and academia, his new book, and what to expect during his opening keynote at the conference.
This site provides the comprehensive list of resources associated with Internet firewalls. The list is divided into sections to make finding information easier. Much of the information presented here ...
The 25th annual (1999-2024) CERIAS Security Symposium will bring together researchers, scientists, academics, and industry professionals to hear prestigious keynote addresses, thought provoking panel ...
Dr. Son’s research specializes in modeling and control of complex manufacturing and service enterprises and distributed federation of multi-paradigm simulations. He has authored/co-authored more than ...
Duplex Distortion Models for Limited Feedback MIMO Communication, IEEE Transactions Information Theory (July 2004). Diversity Performance of Precoded Orthogonal Space-Time Block codes Using Limited ...
This site is a listing of many of the internet resources associated with Intrusion Detection. The list is divided into sections to make finding information easier. It would be great if all our ...
Dr. Ukkusuri's lab focuses on developing innovative solutions for complex network problems in transportation systems coupled with other networks to improve their performance, resilience and ...
Subsumed by CERIAS in 1999, COAST (Computer Operations, Audit, and Security Technology) was a multiple project computer security research laboratory in Purdue's computer science department. Like ...
The Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS), a cross-cutting institute at Purdue University, is the world’s foremost interdisciplinary academic center for ...