አዲስ አበባ፤ መስከረም 13/2017(ኢዜአ):- በኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ የመጀመሪያ ሳምንት ጨዋታ ሃዋሳ ከተማ ሲዳማ ቡናን 1 ለ 0 አሸንፏል። ...
(ኢዜአ)፦ ኢትዮጵያ በሩሲያ በተካሄደው አራተኛው የአውሮፓና እስያ አገራት የሴቶች ፎረም( Eurasian women Forum) በማህበራዊ ልማትና የሴት አመራሮች ተሳትፎ ያላትን ተሞክሮ አቅርባለች። ...
The current antagonizing approach by leaders of Somalia is disgraceful and a total denial of Ethiopia that has contributed ...
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed revealed that this year's rice production is much larger than that of last year in Ethiopia. The ...
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Taye Atske-Selassie, earlier today, received at his office a high-level delegation ...
(ኢዜአ)፦ የኢትዮጵያ ከ20 ዓመት በታች ብሔራዊ ቡድን የአፍሪካ ዋንጫ ማጣሪያ የሚያደርግባቸው ቀናት ዛሬ ይፋ ተደርገዋል። 24ኛው የአፍሪካ ዋንጫ ከ20 ዓመት በታች የሴካፋ ዞን ማጣሪያ በታንዛንያ ...
Ethiopian Airlines Group has been distinguished with multiple awards at the Zambia Airports Corporation Limited's 35th ...
An Israeli medical delegation is providing training and guiding for Ethiopia’s local medical staff members in the sphere of ...
By A Staff Writer Ethiopia, a landlocked nation situated in the Horn of Africa, has played a pivotal role in regional stability. Its strategic location, historical significance, and economic influence ...
By Bereket Sisay Ethiopia has been an ardent supporter of the African cause and champion of Pan-Africanism since colonial times. That's why Ethiopia reached out to freedom fighters like the late South ...
አዲስ አበባ፤ መስከረም 13/2017 (ኢዜአ):- በኢትዮጵያ ፕሪሚየር ሊግ የመጀመሪያ ሳምንት መርሃ ግብር ስሑል ሽሬ አዳማ ከተማን 3 ለ 2 አሸንፏል። በድሬዳዋ ስታዲየም ...
መቀሌ፤ መስከረም 13/2017(ኢዜአ)፦ የመስቀል በአልን ምክንያት በማድረግ በመቀሌ ከተማ በአስር ቡድኖች መካከል ሲካሄድ የቆየ የእግር ኳስ ውድደር ተጠናቀቀ ...