A common saying in finance is that “markets take the stairs up and the elevator down”, meaning that advances are typically ...
Numbers released this week by CREA confirm what we can all see. House sales are languishing and buyers are balking, despite ...
Today the Fed cuts itas rate for the first time in four years. Big deal. It’s the CB that runs the planet. This means the Wicked Witch of Tightening is kaput. For the next year (at least) the price of ...
That’s the other shoe dropping. Yesterday the first hit the floor as Ottawa desperately unveiled 30-year mortgages and a ballooning of mortgage insurance to cover $1.5 million buys. No, houses are not ...
Affordability is terrible. The cost of properties has not dropped meaningfully, and a large swath of buyers has been removed from the game. Many of them, permanently. Sales volumes will increase as ...
According to the American Economic Association, 60% of us pick option 1), indicating that most of us prefer instant gratification. It’s human nature, it seems, to prefer happiness today versus ...
CIBC now says there’ll be half-point drops by the Bank of Tiff later this year and early in 2025, with the CB rate settling at 2.25% in less than a twelve months (June of 2025). That will constitute a ...
In the last year close to 1,400 realtors have quit the business in the Toronto region alone. It’s the first time in eight years real estate board membership has declined. Face it. Thousands of these ...
“Why,” asks Dave, in a pointed email to me, “don’t you issue your own press releases? Seriously – then the Financial Post could recycle them.” He was flamed by a late-Friday story about a triumphant ...
For the past two years the average DOM in mid-town Toronto has been 17. That means if you listed your house on September 13th, you’d have a firm and executed offer in hand by the thirtieth. This has ...
A strong $US means Canadian goods are cheaper to our largest trading partner. It also means the production costs of our resources (like oil) are cheaper. In other words, a strong $US is good for ...