Helene roared ashore Florida's Big Bend region as one of the most powerful storms to hit the United States, with officials fearing the hurricane would leave a trail of deaths and widespread ...
Japan's ruling party will         hold one of the most unpredictable leadership contests in         decades on Friday, a race that could result in Japan's youngest         or first female premier, or ...
New York City Mayor Eric         Adams was charged by the U.S. Department of Justice in a         five-count criminal indictment unsealed on Thursday, becoming         the city's first sitting mayor ...
Russia has established a weapons programme in China to develop and produce long-range attack drones for use in the war aga ...
In the race to become Japan's         next leader, young contender Shinjiro Koizumi has positioned         himself as a change candidate, but his veteran rivals Shigeru         Ishiba and Sanae ...
Israel's military chief told troops on Wednesday that its heavy airstrikes on Lebanon were preparing the way for a p ...
President Vladimir Putin         warned the West on Wednesday that Russia could use nuclear         weapons if it was struck with conventional missiles, and that         Moscow would consider any ...
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris plans to roll out a new set of economic policies this week that aim to help American ...
Some Arab American and         Muslim voters angry at U.S. support for Israel's offensive in         Gaza are shunning Democrat Kamala Harris in the presidential         race to back third-party ...
Two mighty beams of         energy have been detected shooting in opposite directions from a         supermassive black hole inside a distant galaxy - the largest         such jets ever spotted, ...
尼泊爾暴雨引發洪水與泥石流, 造成至少59人死亡, 36人受傷及40多人失蹤.         尼泊爾首都加德滿都周邊區域, 幾條河流亦都決堤, 淹沒附近房屋.         當地警方表示, 暫接獲超過200宗有關洪水與泥石流通報, 預料死亡人數有可能進一步增加.
海關破獲大型走私香煙案, 檢獲約一千萬支懷疑私煙, 估計市值約4,500萬元, 逃稅約3,300萬元, 拘捕5人.         海關昨日凌晨在蒲台島對開海面, 截查一艘可疑漁船, 經搜查後, 在船艙內檢涉案的私煙.         被捕的5名男子介乎29至43歲, 被落案控以「輸入未列艙單貨物」罪, 下星期一在東區裁判法院提堂.         海關表示, 會繼續追查私煙的來源及去向, 不排除 ...