Interface Hall of Shame. The Interface Hall of Shame is an irreverent collection of common interface design mistakes. Our hope is that by highlighting these problems, we can help …
UI Hall of Fame or Shame? “Simplicity does not mean the absence of any decor... It only means that the decor should belong intimately to the design proper, and that anything foreign to it …
Using any other design principles you have learned in this course or have learned elsewhere, you will find an example of both a Hall of Fame UI and a Hall of Shame UI. Use these design …
How to create a beer hall where people socialize? – for “building and planning towns, neighborhoods, houses, gardens, & rooms.” – Ex. Beer hall is part of a center for public life...
Using Nielsen’ Ten Usability Heuristics, the Design Patterns from The Design of Sites, or any other design principles you have learned in this course, you will find an example of both a Hall …
An annotated collection of effective user interface solutions worthy of praise for their creativity and concern for the needs of the user. Companion site to the Interface Hall of Shame.
Help populate the UI Hall of Fame and Shame! Find 2 examples of good user interface design, and 2 examples of bad user interface design. Your examples should be specific. It's very hard …
UI Hall of Fame and Shame Usability is about creating effective user interfaces (UIs). Slapping a pretty window interface on a program does not automatically confer usability on it.
We are a full-service provider of user interface design and usability engineering services. Our careful attention to the user interface can reduce system development time, increase user …
Sep 15, 2004 · Help populate the UI Hall of Fame and Shame! Find 2 examples of good user interface design, and 2 examples of bad user interface design. Your examples should be …