Oct 31, 2024 · The Chart Users' Guide is updated when there is new chart symbology or when there are changes in the depiction of information and/or symbols on the charts. It will be published in accordance with the 56-day AIRAC schedule.
Symbols shown are for World Aeronautical Charts (WAC), Sectional aeronautical charts and Terminal Area Charts (TAC). When a symbol is different on any VFR chart series, it will be annotated thus: WAC or Not shown on WAC. Refueling and repair facilities for normal traf-fic.
Symbols shown are for World Aeronautical Charts (WACs), Sectional Aeronautical Charts (Sectionals), Terminal Area Charts (TACs), VFR Flyway Planning Charts and Helicopter Route Charts. When a symbol is different on any VFR chart series, it will be annotated as such (e.g. WAC or Not shown on WAC).
Symbols shown are for the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Enroute Low and High Altitude Charts. Airports/Seaplane bases shown in BLUE and GREEN have an approved Instrument Approach Procedure published. Those in BLUE have an approved DoD Instrument Approach Procedure and/or DoD RADAR MINIMA published in DoD FLIPS or FAA TPP.
Symbols shown are for the Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) Enroute Low and High Altitude Charts. Airports/Seaplane bases shown in BLUE and GREEN have an approved Instrument Approach Procedure published. Those in BLUE have an approved DOD Instrument Approach Procedure and/or DOD RADAR MINIMA published in DOD FLIPS or Alaska Terminal.
GEN 2.3 Chart Symbols. Aeronautical chart symbols are published in the Aeronautical Chart User's Guide published by Aeronautical Information Services (AIS). The guide is available in PDF format for print, download, or viewing at: http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/flight_info/aeronav/digital_products/aero_guide/
The chart legend includes aeronautical symbols and information about drainage, terrain, the contour of the land, and elevation. You can learn to identify aeronautical, topographical, and obstruction symbols (such as radio and television tow-ers) by using the legend.
The chart legend includes aeronautical symbols and information about drainage, terrain, the contour of the land, and elevation. You can learn to identify aeronautical, topographical, and obstruction symbols (such as radio and television tow-ers) by using the legend.
The chart legend includes aeronautical symbols and information about drainage, terrain, the contour of the land, and elevation. You can learn to identify aeronautical, topographical, and obstruction symbols (such as radio and television towers) by using the legend. A brief description next to a small black square indicates the exact
Based upon standard mapping symbols, these markings usually designate man-made structures that may be identifiable from the air, including: Major roadways, with or without showing route numbers (solid lines) Railroads, bridges, viaducts, dams …